Be... still and hold firmly! Be... in Peace and hold firmly in God's love! Be quiet and hold your baby memories in your heart! Hold your baby in your womb and Be grateful for a great time you had together. Behold when the heart is still beating! Behold when the tears come and the Lord will wipe away all of our tears! Behold when the heart rejoices in Christ by Faith! Be there when the baby's heart stops for us but still alive in glory! Acknowledge and rest in Him! Behold when our heart stops in one breath of wonder of God's Grace! Behold our babies are beautiful souls! Behold the love we received from Christ! Behold His love endures forever and in His love we find Peace! Behold He is our Shepherd! Be yourself and Hold God's promises in your heart! Be here, Be there in Christ alone! Hold in His Hands now and forever! And one day we will reign in glory with our good God and our babies. Be... Hold! In His plans! In His Glory!
Rachel van de Burgt.