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"If I had a flower every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever." *
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

Beloved mom, welcome to our so special space. This blog is dedicated to all moms who have lost children in their womb; stillborn; or for mothers who lost their children in early childhood.

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Be... still and hold firmly! Be... in Peace and hold firmly in God's love! Be quiet and hold your baby memories in your heart! Hold your...

Our story!

In April 2020, we had the joy of another pregnancy (I am a mom of J. and F.).  However, on June 3, after an ultrasound, we heard the news...

Writing a Book!!!

I started to write a book to share with the mothers of my heart who went through the loss of a baby in the womb. I ask you to pray for...


Welcome to our space. I'm deeply sorry for your loss! Know that you are not alone! This space is dedicated to all mothers who have lost...

Psalm 139

Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. O Lord, you have searched me and known me! 2 You know when I...

Memorial Stone!

We bought a special stone to put in our garden. We made a request to write Dominique's name on the stone and a Bible verse. It was...


Journal: I am writing my memories and feelings in a journal especially for Dominique. My whole family is involved in this grieving...

No Weapon

by Pat Barrett When darkness closes in on every side When battles rage and when the waters rise I fear no evil for I know the truth...

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+1 (780) 284 7444

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